Discover projects crafted with
Unreal Engine
Unreal Engine
An amazing tool - sometimes!
We love the world of Unreal and all the possibilities this real time 3D software can and will be able to give. It does have it’s downsides sometimes, but we will gladly help you navigate when to use what program.
When it comes to projects of a larger scale such as creating a digital twin of the city Kiruna or making a brand new battery factory come to life - Unreal Engine is a given.
We have professional experience working with the program and large scale models. Explore some of our projects below. We are happy to take on any Unreal related project.
Scroll down and we will show you some examples ↓
Projects of
larger scale
A short demo showing the capabilities of Unreal Engine as a tool to generate and produce large scale models as well as showing Unreals fast paced video production possibilities.
Analyze environmental factors and their impact.
This section presents an example of a project where the client wanted to analyze the building's position in relation to sunlight behavior and how the surrounding environment would shape the various parts and spaces of the house.
Advertise your product and evoke
an emotion.
This project demonstrates how we convey a feeling through a narrative film about the product - Nordic Cabin.